Free Xero promotion

Free Xero promotion

As a Xero partner we receive discount codes not available anywhere else. From 1st July we have two amazing offers available…….   Free conversion from Sage or QuickBooks (this is usually £180 minimum) Half price Xero for 6 months which is a potential...
Xero promo code

Xero promo code

From time to time Xero release discount codes, now is one of those times. Get 50% off a new Xero subscription for two months. Sign up to Xero by 30 April 2014 and get a 50 percent discount for the next two months. Just log in, click purchase now and apply the Xero...
4 advanced Xero tips

4 advanced Xero tips

From the content of this blog and the main site it’s fairly obvious that I am a big fan of Xero. They have a great product that has changed the way I work with client’s, now having the ability to share and view data in real time, something that was...